Monday, June 1, 2015

More Geese, Really?

Yesterday I went to Mattoon by the long route, i.e. by my parents property, and saw several cardinals, a blue bird, and a fox. The cardinals and the blue bird wouldn't stand still long enough for a photo shoot and neither would the fox. I enjoyed seeing all of them, though.

What I did see was...
 A Cow...
 A Horse—a very cool horse... 
Some honeysuckle on a fence, which always reminds me of Tennessee...
 I made a turn toward the east to see if I could remember where my Aunt Joann lived before they moved to Missouri way back in the day. The house they lived in was once an old schoolhouse. The road wound around and finally brought me out by the fence surrounding the southern perimeter of the airport. I didn't find their house, but I did find a very tiny windmill...
 A Chipping Sparrow...
And a female Red-winged Blackbird. Just after this is where I saw the fox. He was in the middle of a newly planted soybean field. Sadly the field had a hump in the middle and he was standing on the hump. By the time I got the car stopped and my camera aimed, all he had to do was take a few steps to the east and he was out of sight.
 And more geese! These are on the north side of the Wal-mart parking lot. Their babies are a little bigger than the ones at The Rez.
Ugly, but at the same time cute!

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